•   Heyden commented on this post about 11 months ago
    Ralphie Update from my friend Robert:

    We picked him up last night from our neighbor, who has been taking amazing care of him since the incident. He followed me back to our house, about 25 yards, and I took him inside. We have our resident cat, Fupa, put away in a spare bedroom during the introduction period because there's a process to introducing two male cats and it takes time. Ralphie explored the house for a while and we showed him where his cat box, food and water are located. He played, explored, ate and then snuggled. He's adjusting quite well to being a tripod cat! He actually runs fast when he has the zoomies! A big thank you to our neighbor Nikki for everything she has done. Without her care, love and patience, Ralphie wouldn't be doing as well as he is. Also, a big thank you to everyone who donated to Ralphie's GoFundMe campaign and to all of your positive thoughts and prayers, including Christopher Smith of Reckoning for the care package for Ralphie! It's because of everyone's kindness and generosity that we were able to save Ralphie! Here's a few photos from the last 17 hours he's been with us. Thank you again... šŸ„¹ā¤ļøšŸ™šŸ¼
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