About LUFA
Linked Up For Animals - Our Story
Years ago, I moved to Long Beach, California and found my neighborhood full of cats. I would spend the next seven years doing TNR (trap neuter return) but no matter how many cats I would spay or neuter, I would find more kittens vulnerable to the harsh realities of animal homelessness. I had heard that the ASPCA in Los Angeles had a program that transported kittens to Oregon and Washington for adoption. I tracked down the right connections and soon was taking kittens to LAX to be transported. On January 18, 2017, I took four kittens to the airport, soon to be on their way to the state of Washington. There were other dogs and cats that day, all showing signs of anxiety as their carriers were handled like pieces of luggage. As I dropped off the kittens, I could see the fear in their beautiful eyes and my heart started to break. When I got back to my car, I cried and cried.
Later that week I would learn that all four kittens had been adopted.
So often, we humans forget these amazing animals have feelings, are intelligent, want to feel safe and need love from us. To this day, I can still see those eyes and feel the emotion well up inside of me. That was the day I decided I had to do more for animals. That was the day the seed for Linked Up For Animals (LUFA) was planted.
Linked Up For Animals (L-U-F-A), aka LUFA World, has evolved into what you see today. The LUFA Social Platform is the first and only social media space dedicated exclusively to bringing animal lovers, activists, advocates, and organizations together with the goal of making a meaningful impact on the well-being of animals everywhere. It’s an enormous undertaking, but we’re up for the challenge of creating this show of solidarity and leading this united front of animal lovers. We are here to serve and support animals and those who care for and about them, from cat lovers to shelter volunteers to those who work in animal welfare day in and day out – We are honored to partner with you on this noble cause.
I have always loved and respected animals and felt the deep-seated need to make the world a better place for all animals. Ending animal homelessness is at the top of my list.
Join us, we cannot do it without you.
United in our commitment,
Teri Gray
Linked Up For Animals
Visionary, Founder, CEO

– LUFA will be generous with our financial resources, time, and energy
Ethical Behavior
– Ethical thinking will guide each of LUFA’s decisions and actions
Hard Work
– The LUFA team will work passionately and positively everyday toward our mission
– LUFA will have patience with ourselves and those we serve as we work toward our goals
Wisdom and Compassion
– LUFA will put our best thinking and kindest hearts into our work to ensure the well-being of all animals
– LUFA will work toward the betterment of all animals with humor, laughter, and joy.