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Animal Organizations Directory

Animal Recovery Mission (ARM)

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Established in 2010, The Animal Recovery Mission (ARM) is a vanguard not-for-profit organization dedicated to eliminating extreme animal cruelty operations worldwide. Our mission is to be an uncompromising defending force for the welfare of animals and to put an end to and prevent pain, suffering, and torture inflicted as a result of inhumane practices.
Services Provided
[Other] Services Provided:
to Stop Slaughter Farms, Black Market Meat Trade, Underground Fighting Rings, Fox & Coyote Penning Games, Bear Bile Farms
PO BOX 881805, Port St. Lucie, 34988-1805, Florida, USA

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Linked Up For Animals, Inc.

4000 Long Beach Blvd. Ste 201
Long Beach, California 90807

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