LUFA Pages
Animal Organizations Directory

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Listing Details

Animals Served
Services Provided
[Other] Services Provided:
Emergency Medical help, Pet assisted Therapy , Feral Cats
11523 Burbank Blvd, , , , 91601
(818) 755-6045 or (818) 755-6323
At Actors and Others for Animals we strongly believe that all of us have a responsibility to protect and care for the pets we take into our homes and hearts and to the discarded and unwanted animals who end up in shelters. Through the money we raise, our core work is to ensure that low and/or fixed income individuals are able to have their pets spayed and neutered to reduce birth rates and to enrich their quality of life. And because many of those same pet guardians find themselves lacking the funds to care for their pets when they becomes sick or injured, we provide help to both navigate the veterinary health system and to provide financial assistance.


About: Not Available.

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Linked Up For Animals, Inc.

4000 Long Beach Blvd. Ste 201
Long Beach, California 90807

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