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The Hermitage Cat Shelter

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Arizona's first no-kill animal shelter, The Hermitage No-Kill Cat Shelter and Sanctuary has been a refuge for homeless cats and kittens, especially those considered unadoptable by other organizations, since 1965. We are both an adoption facility and a long-term sanctuary. In 2013, through the American Sanctuary Association, our cage-free shelter became an accredited sanctuary. We remain the only accredited cat sanctuary in Arizona, and we are one of very few shelters in the entire U.S. which serves as a sanctuary for cats with FIV (Feline Immune-Deficiency Virus), and FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). Since 2015, over 700 cats and kittens were transferred to us from municipal shelters where they may have been unnecessarily euthanized.
Animals Served
5278 E 21ST ST, Tucson, 85711, Arizona, USA
(520) 571-7839

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Long Beach, California 90807

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