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Animals Served
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Post Office Box 385, , , , 92356
Recent history has shown that the government and hunters are once again trying to exterminate the wolf.
The wolf is one the most (wrongly) maligned and hated creatures since the beginning of time.
People envision the wolf as a blood thirsty vicious killer that wipes out herds of cattle and consumes small children, when, in actuality, these beliefs couldn't be further from the truth.
Not only do wolves fit NONE of the popular stereotypes, their gentle temperament and sophisticated social structuring merit our admiration. A wolf will only resort to preying on domestic stock when its natural prey (moose, caribou, and deer) have been eliminated from their natural range.
Wolves serve a great ecological role by preying mostly on the weak and/or diseased animals in a herd, leaving the younger, healthier animals to become breeding stock, which ultimately produces much stronger herds.


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Long Beach, California 90807

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