Bear Hollow Zoo
Listing Details
Animals Served
[Other] Animals Served:
Black Bear, River Otter, Red Fox, American Alligator, Spotted Skunk, Deer, Wild Turkey, Bald Eagle, Owls , Various reptiles
Services Provided
Bear Hollow is a facility of the ACC Department of Leisure Services. Since it's creation in the late 1940's, the zoo has undergone many changes having started as a private collection of wild animals, which had been donated to the Athens zoo. Currently, the zoo contains only non-releasable native wildlife housed in natural habitat exhibits. The zoo is always growing and changing thanks to community support through volunteers and donations, yet it always remains committed to conservation through the education of its visitors. By educating the public, by allowing even one person to forge a lasting connection with an animal, Bear Hollow helps motivate people to protect wildlife and the habitats that they depend upon.
Bear Hollow relies heavily upon donations and the commitment of many volunteers.
Bear Hollow relies heavily upon donations and the commitment of many volunteers.