The Hermitage Cat Shelter
Listing Details
Animals Served
Services Provided
(520) 571-7839
Arizona's first no-kill animal shelter, The Hermitage No-Kill Cat Shelter and Sanctuary has been a refuge for homeless cats and kittens, especially those considered unadoptable by other organizations, since 1965. We are both an adoption facility and a long-term sanctuary. In 2013, through the American Sanctuary Association, our cage-free shelter became an accredited sanctuary. We remain the only accredited cat sanctuary in Arizona, and we are one of very few shelters in the entire U.S. which serves as a sanctuary for cats with FIV (Feline Immune-Deficiency Virus), and FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). Since 2015, over 700 cats and kittens were transferred to us from municipal shelters where they may have been unnecessarily euthanized.