State: New York
Animal Haven is a nonprofit organization that finds homes for abandoned cats and dogs throughout the Tri-State area and provides behavior intervention when needed to improve chances of adoption. Founded in 1967, we operate an animal shelter in Manhattan. ...
The Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons actively rescues cats and dogs, provides quality care and offers sanctuary until loving homes can be found. ARF’s work with animals, within our community and throughout the organization is guided by three core val ...
Last year, hundreds of thousands of loving dogs and cats were killed in shelters just because they didn’t have a safe place to call home — but you can change that and help out pets here in New York City. Best Friends is leading the no-kill movement by ru ...
Catskill Animal Sanctuary rescues farmed animals, ignites social change to end their exploitation, and champions vegan living.
We pursue bold solutions to end animal agriculture and foster just and compassionate vegan living.
We rescue, care and advocate for abused non-human animals who are victims of animal agriculture. We specialize in rescuing and providing individualized care to chickens.
The mission of the Kent Animal Shelter is to provide a no-kill haven for homeless, abused and abandoned animals until permanent homes can be found. Programs include Adoption, Rescue, Low Cost Spay/Neuter, Humane Education.
To serve as a refuge for abandoned and homeless animals by providing food, quality medical care, and shelter, until loving, permanent homes can be found - in essence, to 'Rescue, Nurture, & Adopt'.
The Mayor's Alliance for NYC's Animals is committed to seeing the day when no New York City dog or cat of reasonable health and temperament is killed merely because he or she does not have a home.
Our Mission: Rescue. Nurture. Adopt. Educate. Our Vision: A future in which all companion animals find responsible, loving homes where they are free from abuse, hunger, fear, and loneliness and receive the care and respect they deserve.