When there seemed like no way out for Ruben, Qatar Airways Cargo stepped in to bring Ruben the lion from Armenia home to South Africa. Plans to move him had been frustrated by a lack of aircraft with hold doors large enough to take a lion crate. So, as part of their We Qare charity program, Qatar Airways Cargo moved a larger aircraft to one of their scheduled flights from Armenia and donated Ruben’s flight.
Re-live those magical moments when Ruben flew from Armenia and stepped out onto grass and his African homeland at the ADI Wildlife Sanctuary for the first time. The video from Qatar Airways Cargo – who made his journey to a new life possible – contains previously unseen footage from behind the scenes of the journey and of Ruben’s first day at the ADI Wildlife Sanctuary. Enjoy Ruben’s blissful face as catnip swirls around him, note the donkeys making an appearance, smile as Tanya tells the person filming to stop looking at her Tarzan! With huge thanks to Qatar Airways Cargo who specially scheduled a large aircraft to take Ruben from Armenia. For more information and to donate for Ruben's care: adiwildlifesanctuary.org.za/
#AnimalDefendersInternational #ADI #Ruben #KeepRubenRoaring #ADIWildlifeSanctuary
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14 September 2023
When there seemed like no way out for Ruben, Qatar Airways Cargo stepped in to bring Ruben the lion from Armenia home to South Africa. Plans to move him had been frustrated by a lack of aircraft with hold doors large enough to take a lion crate. So, as part of their We Qare charity program, Qatar...

Thank you Teri!
1 year ago