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The pictures I just posted are of the same kitten my daughter saved yesterday. What a difference a day makes. She has named him Smoky and he fits...The pictures I just posted are of the same kitten my daughter saved yesterday. What a difference a day makes. She has named him Smoky and he fits right in with all the other animals. He is a fighter for sure. Show more

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When my daughter, Kathleen, saw this baby lying in the driveway of a business, she thought it was dead. However, as it was approached, it moved...When my daughter, Kathleen, saw this baby lying in the driveway of a business, she thought it was dead. However, as it was approached, it moved. Weak, exhausted, starving, and soaking wet, she couldn't just walk away , leaving it to die. She took it home, dryed it as best she could, and fed it. It ate, slept, and ate again. You can't tell by the shine on it's coat, but it is solid black. When I talked to her on the phone, I heard it's meow. A very strong meow at that. This kitty is a fighter, and will probably turn out to be the best cat she's ever had. Show more

This lil' guy has been living in our garage for over a year. This is the first time we've seen her outdoors. We think of it as female because it is...This lil' guy has been living in our garage for over a year. This is the first time we've seen her outdoors. We think of it as female because it is small and delicate looking. The cats and dogs totally ignored her as she slowly made her way back into the garage. Show more
Our resident 'possum. We believe he/she is a teenager who decided to not leave when Mom did with the rest of her brood.. Why should he/she? He is...Our resident 'possum. We believe he/she is a teenager who decided to not leave when Mom did with the rest of her brood.. Why should he/she? He is warm, protected, gets along with the cats, and loves cat food. Show more

My Andy is a hero. Just like Lassy. Yesterday, Timmy was in the well. If you remember, reminisce. If you dont know what I'm talking about, you...My Andy is a hero. Just like Lassy. Yesterday, Timmy was in the well. If you remember, reminisce. If you dont know what I'm talking about, you missed some great TV. I was napping on the couch with an eye mask on, and Andy came bounding through the room. Not so unusual, but he ran back out, and a couple of minutes later, came bounding back in. He did that four times. It was feeding time, so I just thought he was hungry. A while later, Sharon came in and said she had fallen out in the back yard. I told her what Andy had done and she said she
wondered about that. He would stand and look at her, then take off running. He came right up to her at one point. I was just too dense to get the message. I felt so bad for her having to crawl across the yard to get to something she could pull herself up with. Today, her foot and ankle are very sore. Andy always lets us know if someone is coming up to the house. My sweet little hero.
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Blue the cat killed the rat!!! My hero. This rat has been living under the dryer for several weeks where the cats could not get to him. He would...Blue the cat killed the rat!!! My hero. This rat has been living under the dryer for several weeks where the cats could not get to him. He would come out to eat cat food and drink water. Last night, Blue happened to be on the table when Mr. Rat decided to come over the top and he pounced. Mr Rat had doubled in size since we first saw him about a month ago. That's when this photo was taken. That's Blue in the photo, too. Show more

I've been resisting posting this for about a month. I gave up. Hope no one gets offended. I just couldn't help but laugh.

Please don't hold back on posting for fear of offending someone.
Let's agree not to get offended but to look at each post as an opportunity to discuss things.
I'm dealing with a rodent problem right now, and put in a...I love this Far side. LMAO 🤣
Please don't hold back on posting for fear of offending someone.
Let's agree not to get offended but to look at each post as an opportunity to discuss things.
I'm dealing with a rodent problem right now, and put in a position of us or them.
It's been a tough few days coming to terms with what I have to do.
Thank you for sharing
This comic really made me
laugh. Show more 3 years ago